- Leaders: K Clément (PU-PH), J Aron-Wisnewsky (MCU-PH) and Tiphaine Le Roy (CRCN)
- Team Contributors: R Alili, C Poitou, S André, V Mateo, S Adriouch, H Soula, F Jacques, P Taillandier, PE To Volard
- Main collaborators: JD Zucker, International consortia Metacardis, ePos, Litmus (IMI2), INRA
Main Objectives
- Define gut microbiota signature in CMD and evaluate the impact of environment (diet and drugs)
- Demonstrate causality of CMD microbial signature in the development of CMD or its resolution:
- in human interventions: Metacardis follow-up (development), diet or bariatric surgery (reversal)
- in mice: gut microbiota transfer experiments (induce CMD or its reversal)